Important Island Phone Numbers

New Shoreham New Shoreham Washington County

See route


Emergency - 911 
If you feel that there is an emergency occurring but don’t know for certain, presume it is an emergency and use 911.

Other important numbers:
BI Medical Center  401-466-2974
Police (non-emergency)  401-466-3220
Fire  / Rescue Squad  401-466-3220
Coast Guard (BI)  401-466-2086
Coast Guard (Galilee)  401-789-0444 24 hours  
RI Poison Control 800-222-1222 
Harbormaster 401-466-3204

BI Airport 401-466-5511
Town Clerk 401-466-3200
Recreation Department 401-466-3223
Transfer Station 401- 466-3234

Tap or click on number to call.