Beach Rose Bicycles

1622 Roslyn Rd New Shoreham New Shoreham

See route

Explore Block Island with a great ride—style, ease, adventure!

Featured on Boston Chronicle 

Specializing in quality Trek and Raleigh bikes in a full range of sizes and a variety of models suited for avid cyclists, vacationing couples and families with children of all ages. Models include hybrids, fitness, sport-comfort, classic, cruiser, mountain, Fat-bikes, tandems, children’s bikes, tag-a-longs, and trailers. 

Take in the fresh sea air! Biking is the best way to see the island and arrive at sandy beaches, historic lighthouses, and greenway trails. Overlooking the fields of the Rose Farm, Beach Rose Bicycles is only a block from town on the way to the scenic Mohegan Bluffs and South East Lighthouse, making it an ideal location to begin your ride!




Peter and Jamie offer a friendly rental experience complete with directions. Our bikes are cleaned, maintained, and ready to ride! Most are accessorized with comfortable seats, bottle cages, and baskets to carry your beach-towels and gear. Helmets, locks, and maps are included, and we have water for sale.

Open everyday 8:00am-8:00pm.


From the ferry dock in town turn left onto Water Street. From the statue at the circle take a sharp right up to High Street and follow the sidewalk beside the movie theatre to the top of the hill. There will be signs for the Rose Farm Inn and Atlantic Inn. Follow the paved driveway past the two Inns. Our deck has a sign and red barn doors. 

Spring House Hotel guests only need to walk across the small field and through the opening in the split rail fence crossing our back lawn.